Curated by healthcare professionals our wellness boxes can be used for employee engagement, health and wellness initiatives, and appreciation. With customizable options, we ensure that each box aligns perfectly with your company’s wellness initiatives. 

We all want to ensure employees are happy, healthy, and engaged. West Orange Wellness Box can help you achieve this by providing boxes that cover all the pillars of wellness.


We curate Boxes Using five pillars of wellness

Managing resources wisely, making informed financial choices, setting goals, and preparing for present and future needs, including emergencies, while respecting individuals' unique financial values and circumstances.
Adopting a proactive outlook on life, adeptly managing behaviors, acknowledging and articulating emotions, effectively coping with stress, and employing constructive approaches to problem-solving.
Exhibiting deep comprehension of the interplay between environment, community, and well-being. Embracing a responsible lifestyle for current and future environmental demands.
Cultivating and sustaining robust interpersonal connections through open communication, shared interests, and active engagement in social gatherings and events.
Cultivating a lifestyle that embraces joyful movement, nourishes the body with balanced and consistent eating habits, and prioritizes sleep health to optimize overall physical well-being and vitality.

Featured Item: Open Enrollment Box

The Open Enrollment Box is a great way to help your employees make informed decisions about their health benefits and introduce them to a variety of products to keep them well.

Let us help you create a healthier and happier workforce! To learn more about West Orange Wellness Box or to order a box for your company, please contact us. 

Phone: 1-855-4WOWBOX


Let us help you create a healthier and happier workforce!